Master Home Inspector Group Pricing

Price by square footage:
Up to 2000 sq ft $450
2001 – 2500 $475
2501 – 3000 $500
3001 – 3500 $525
3501-4000 $550
Please call for pricing above 4,000 sq ft
Age Fees:
New Construction – 19 years no additional charge
20 – 30 yrs old $30
31 – 40 yrs old $40
$10 added for each additional decade
For Crawlspaces 20+ Years $75
Outbuilding $175

Additional Services:
Pre-Drywall Inspection 3500 sq ft or less $275
3501 sq ft to 4000 sq ft $375
4001 sq ft to 5000 sq ft $475
$100 per 1,000 sq ft thereafter
Termite Letter $89
Radon with Home Inspection $150
Radon Stand Alone $175
NC – Water tested for bacteria plus lead, nitrates and nitrites $250
SC – Water tested for bacteria plus lead, nitrates and nitrites $250
Reinspection $189 for first 10 items
$350 above 10 items
Trip Charge $125
Payment at Closing $25
Outbuilding $175